Installation Guide BeerFoss™ FT Go

BeerFoss™ FT Go

Open box no. 1 without damaging the box

BeerFoss™ FT Go

Place the instrument on a firm table

BeerFoss™ FT Go

Align the front of the instrument with the front border of the table to ensure a vertical position of the waste tube. Put the waste tube into the hole of the waste container.

BeerFoss™ FT Go

Remove the protective layer from the screen

BeerFoss™ FT Go

Unlock the transportation lock

BeerFoss™ FT Go

Connect the network cable

BeerFoss™ FT Go

Open the side door and remove the transport foam

BeerFoss™ FT Go

Unscrew the cap from each container and remove the containers

BeerFoss™ FT Go

Add 2 x 2.5 ml of cleaning agent into the Clean container

BeerFoss™ FT Go

Fill it up with demineralised water

BeerFoss™ FT Go

Fill the Zero container with demineralised water

BeerFoss™ FT Go

Screw back the cap on each container. Make sure the tubes are inside the containers

BeerFoss™ FT Go

Put back the containers in the instrument. Close the door.

BeerFoss™ FT Go

Connect the power supply cable to the instrument and the wall plug

BeerFoss™ FT Go

The screen lights up after approx. 20 seconds This screen will display during warmup. This is OK. Leave it for now.

BeerFoss™ FT Go

The instrument will now warmup for 2 hours.

BeerFoss™ FT Go

Please proceed with the installation only after the 2 hours have passed

Press Start to perform a Zero setting. The instrument will automatically also perform a Clean.

BeerFoss™ FT Go

A succesfull Zero setting shows this screen.

BeerFoss™ FT Go

Go into the Care view and select Self Test.

BeerFoss™ FT Go

Press Start to initiate the Self Test.

BeerFoss™ FT Go

Wait until all three tests have completed.

BeerFoss™ FT Go

Go back to the Result view.

BeerFoss™ FT Go

The instrument is ready for analysis when the pipette lamp gives a clear light and the Instrument State icon is OK

BeerFoss™ FT Go

The installation is now completed.

To measure your first sample please proceed with the Quick Guide, sections: "Sample Preparation" and "Analysing a Sample"